I have been having issues updating my adobe reader from 10.x.x to 11.0.2
Each time automatic update tried to dowload it an error would say
the "app has been altered from the original installation", or something of that sort.
so I deleted Adobe Reader 10.x.x hoping it would enable me to download and install
a fresh copy of 11.0.2
I have 2 users on my MacBook Pro using Lion 10.7.5
and have tried installing with both users logged in, one user logged in, then with only
the other user logged in. I have tried deleting the dmg file and redownloading using
a different browser (Firefox and Safari were the two used)
I deleted the dmg file from one user and tried installing it with the other, all with the
same end result:
Installation gets to a "less than a minute remaining" at the
installation of package scripts, and it locks up. The computer fan kicks into high gear
and the "minute remaining" starts to climb. I let it get to 1 hour and 25 minutes remaining
on one attempt, and force quit. I have had to force quit every time I attempt to install.
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.