When saving all word files (word 2007) as pdfs (acrobat pro 8) to this point in my life, I have had minimal trouble with formatting. However, I recently needed to add line numbers to a manuscript and upon saving it as a pdf, large blocks of text were subsequently hidden (I can select in the pdf the text and copy it into a word program, but it doesn't show up in the formal pdf- as seen below). If I take the line numbers off of the word document, the pdf is generated with all text visible.
What my pdf looks like.
Interestingly, if I examine the text and show the hidden text, I am able to identify the missing/blocked off section. So, for some reason, adding line numbers hides variable amounts of text when converting to a pdf.
The story gets more confusing, as text which appears in a table is not hidden (blue), while text outside of it is hidden (regardless of where it is on the page, counter to the above picture). I'm not sure if the problem is on the word end or the acrobat end.
Any help?