For several days i have been unsuccessful in installing either Adobe Reader 9.3.3 or 8.2. The Reader program downloads fine and is set-up 100%, but when the Adobe installer window appears the infamous 1327 Error message appears and the process stops. I am running GATEWAY- SOLO 5300 Notebook, (Circa 2000) with only a 10 GB HD and a Windows XP Pro OS, on top of the original Me OS.
I never had trouble opening PDF files before, with my old AdbRdr 5.0 and 6.0, only since I was prompted to download Adobe Rdr 9.3.3 to open a PDF formatted file.
I have cleaned and defragged my HD; I have searched my files and programs for anything resembling or referencing DRIVE E:\ and have found nothing. I have removed all Adobe progams and removed the Windows Installer 3.1 program and downloaded and reinstalled a clean program.I have downloaded AdbRdr 9.3.3 at least 8 times using Firefox and IE browsers. But nothing seems to work. One of the suggestions was to Edit the Registry and examine the various bits and bytes and compare them to a clean Registry in a similar machine. Unfortunately, my other computer is an old 7500 Power MacIntosh so that wont help. I am a Telecomm Engineer, but not a Systems Programmer, examining and interpreting C++ code is beyond my area of expertise. If anyone has any constructive ideas I would like to hear them, as I am at the point of re=loading my XP Pro OS out of sheer desperation, but that probably has its own set of land-mines.
Thank you all.